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11 months ago
Hi. Wiki is using the same editor with Blogs, and it is **Markdown** formatting
11 months ago
Other Products
The games module is using 3rd party API. It seems the game provider has stopped
11 months ago
Hello, You can always get support from the Client Area. We have replied your
15 months ago
You can re-download package from client area, and upload the following files:(al
17 months ago
city in browse
Firstly you need to register a Google API key, and make sure the Google Places A
21 months ago
For group chat it need server side websocket support. If you need customizing se
29 months ago
No, it does not support multi sites for one installation.
29 months ago
If you have a Pro/Ultimate license, you can always download future upgrades for
33 months ago
added a wiki page
35 months ago
No. All you need to do is to upload new files, and go to "AdminCP->Modules", cli
45 months ago
You can put code to <head> by modifying template file. But it seems that you
51 months ago
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