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Jcow Master (@falcone)
11 months ago

In my jcow 15 version you have to put the city first but you cannot enter the city name. Why is that?

1 people followed this question

Firstly you need to register a Google API key, and make sure the Google Places API and Google Map javascript API is enabled in Google cloud console.

Then in Jcow admin control panel, input the API key to the section "Google Map API".

paul @paul
11 months ago
@paul this is what is in line 28:
// load application
28 ---- $app = new $parr[0]();
29 ---- $app->name = $parr[0];
30 ---- if (is_numeric($parr[1])) {
31 ---- $app->index($parr[1],$parr[2]);
11 months ago
@mcuac you have to find out what is the value of $par[0].
11 months ago
@falcone ....The value is showing "NULL" Should that be the correct value??
11 months ago
@mcuac no. The default value is home. Otherwise, another module (class) name.
11 months ago
@falcone thank you, how do i change it to read "home", and correct this error out?
11 months ago
@mcuac normally $parr[0] is set to "home" in misc.inc\.php on line 123
11 months ago
@falcone this is what i have on that lines:
if ($parr[0] == 'home' && !$client['id']) {
$config['hidemenu'] = true;
11 months ago
@falcone Is that the correct way its supposed to be?
11 months ago
@mcuac i have this on line 150. In jcow version 15.1
11 months ago
@falcone this is what i have on line 150 on my side.

if (
11 months ago
@falcone What am i geting wrong in this to help clear this error?
11 months ago
@falcone Is it possible to create a new index.php file which would be able to open jcow on a different command, to help fix this issue out???
11 months ago