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Jonathon Cazabon (@jonathoncazabon)
16 months ago

I want to buy more licenses but I need help getting my Jcow Ultimate up and running smoothly.

Can someone please help me? I guess its off to google and youtube for me.

1 people followed this question


You can always get support from the Client Area. We have replied your support ticket 13 hrs ago. Here is the content:


It is because your css and js files are loaded on non-SSL which is not secure. To solve this issue, please open your "my/config.php" file with a text editor. In the my/config.php file, find this line:

$uhome = 'http://realsteelshop.ca/RSSocial';

change it to:

$uhome = 'https://realsteelshop.ca/RSSocial';

(change "http" to "https")

And then save the file. Your another ticket issue should also be solved by this changing.


paul @paul
16 months ago (Updated: 16 months ago)