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Jonathon Cazabon (@jonathoncazabon)
13 months ago

When I try to view my Jcow Social Media page I get this message "<span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">{"status":"fail","act":"msg","msg":"wrong uri"}</span>"

How can I fix this?


@paul What am I changing in the config.php file?

Thanks for the help!
13 months ago
@jonathoncazabon You can click "client area" -> "support", in the ticket we've write a guide for you.
13 months ago
@paul oh it was the s lol youre a genius!
13 months ago
As long as I have your attention...I'm trying to replace the Jcow images under the themes page and I'm getting what you see in the attached images. I'm using Adobe Illustrator to make the image exactly 64x64px, I even copied the original and tried uploading that and I get the same error.

I print custom clothing in my spare time I can hook you up for your troubles.
13 months ago
@jonathoncazabon A possible reason is that the system can not recognize the image format. Could try using Adobe Illustrator to export a different image format like ".png",".jpg" and try it again?
13 months ago
@paul here's another one... I'm trying to make a page for my Clothing Brand.
13 months ago
@jonathoncazabon In the "URI" field, please input the "realsteelclothing", not full url. It was a description misleading, we will change the description in later version..
13 months ago
@paul how does the mobile portion of the site work? Was I supposed to post that portion to my hosting files aswell?
13 months ago
@paul Also Thank You so much! You have made getting My Social media site up and running go from Zero to Hero!!

You are the best!?
13 months ago
@jonathoncazabon It's not simple uploading.The app source code is React Native code, you need to know some React Native and command line knowledge for app submitting. We also provide paid app submitting service.
13 months ago
@paul Where can I learn more about your paid app submitting service?
13 months ago
@jonathoncazabon You need to have both iOS and Android developer accounts and give us the permissions, app name, description and logo design. Then we do the rest. For iOS we have to pass the two factor authentication together.
13 months ago
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