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Billy Martin (@bmartin)
149 months ago

I would like a place on this site where I can go to ref info on where to start looking for the code/script to make some mods. Example: ("I would like to mod the user profile with something.") This place would tell me the Mysql calls from this file file/bla/bla on line xxxx and the output script calls from thisfile/bla. Then I would also like to see some examples on how to hook into Jcow. Maybe even a download for a test mod to show how to hook in to it.

4 people followed this question

i dnt think jcow has such, maybe they need to hire people (more hands) to make it possible.

You should just play with the "u.module.php" and see what comes out.

Maybe if they do, then the Open source might be a problem for them.

Jcow dnt even comments on all codes.

Well if there is anytin we can do for jcow to make it strong in terms of security then i would gladly be happy to JOIN.

JCOW is growing young while others are growing old.

Henry I @hendryxx007
149 months ago
try a login redirect that will put the user in SSL or https://yoursite.com/u/..... on login.
149 months ago
If jcow was smart they would put and array in the admin for the site owner that has an SSL table to do this.
149 months ago
I found the API info @ http://www.jcow.net/docs/
149 months ago
sorry, being out for a while, thats jcow API , ve being making use of such for long and i hope u find it useful
149 months ago
https://yoursite.com/u/..... page not found.thats a serious issue. what do u think could cause that.
149 months ago