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Sean Fawcett (@tlsps)
22 months ago

I purchased an Ultimate License of JCow and I am trying to install it on an AWS Lightsail instance.

I was able to load it successfully on my development server (Macbook Pro running standard version of XAMPP) where access to the MySQL database is very straightforward. On Lightsail, it's a little more complicated. The only direct access to PHPMyAdmin is by tunneling into the server.

I was able create a database called tlsps-db. However, the JCow install.php script is having trouble accessing it.

This may be more of an AWS question than JCow but perhaps you've had other clients install on Lightsail. It is not clear what "host", "username", or "password" should be entered in the install script.

Host: localhost? Instance IP address? 127 0 0 1? Database endpoint?

username: root? MySQL username? admin?

password: application credentials in Amazon Lightsail? database password?

if anyone can point me in the right direction, that would be very helpful#aws.

1 people followed this question

OK, Jcow support was very helpful with this issue. Here is their response:

> From the screenshot, it seems that you have connected to the database successfully. The error was caused by MySQL version issue. You can edit your "install.php", find these lines:


> $result = $conn->query("select * from jcow_accounts limit 1");

> if ($result->num_rows) {

> $error = 1;

> $error_msg[] = 'You have installed a Jcow! in the selected database, please choose another database';

> }


> Remove them all. Then try again installation.

Sean Fawcett @tlsps
22 months ago