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4FreeAd.com (@ahmed)
58 months ago

I bought a JCOW A long time ago - updated MySQL - got this error... please help...Does anyone know how to fix this error?

SQL query error!
Error infomation:
insert into jcow_accounts (about_me,disabled,gender,location,birthyear,birthmonth,birthday,hide_age,password,email,username,fullname,created,lastlogin,ipaddress,var1,var2,var3,var4,var5,var6,var7,reg_code) values('LOOKING FOR FRIENDS...ADD ME.',0,'0','Afghanistan','1999','01','01','1','c0031bdeee966a0331779e781d700d98','[email protected]','jjjjj','Tom Ford',1563380696,1563380696,'','Illinois','Not from Canada','','','','','','')

Field 'fbid' doesn't have a default value

You can get help by sending this infomation to us: http://jcow.net

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