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Justen Held-Gottschalk (@jutzy1)
91 months ago

Hi everybody.

Been playing around and getting people to sign up to my site.

But I've got one friend who has their friend who is transgender and identifies as other.

How can I have male/female/other as selection for gender

1 people followed this question

It is fairly simple there are only two or three files you need to change. I don't have the files in front of me but I remember just doing a search of all source code for female to find where.
Just remember on any updates that come out not to overwrite your changes. The values of male and female are known as 1 and 2 I believe so you just need to add other with a value of 3

Mark Young @learntoamaze
91 months ago
@learntoamaze, @jutzy1 female = 0, male = 1 hide = 2
91 months ago