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Matthew Medlin (@matthewmedlin)
102 months ago

how do I use the parameters? I have tried every way I could think of and it just outputs the way I have it and not the user data.

1 people followed this question

It is gone. I use 9.9.4, but it is same with you.
So I just add below.

function get_ad($type=''){
    global $client;

    if($type == '') return '';
    $ad_text = get_gvar($type);
    if(!strlen($ad_text)) return '';
    $ad_search = array('jcow_user_id','jcow_user_username','jcow_user_fullname');
    $ad_replace = array($client['id'],$client['username'],$client['fullname']);
    return str_replace($ad_search,$ad_replace,$ad_text);
foken @shigeru
102 months ago