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Robert James (@jgilbert1990)
102 months ago

Hello, hope all is well.
I am currently test-driving a few different social network solutions. I am having trouble solving some unique issues i have. I will explain the concept using an example.

Lets say i wanted to build a community site focused around recipe's. The concept would require these unique features.

  1. The ability to have a separate news feed or group for different categories of food. (News feeds for indian food, chinese food, italian food, etc.)

  2. The ability to have the recipes (Posted by users) organized by number of likes. (For example: Post A has 2 likes, Post B has 4 likes. Post B moves aboves Post A due to number of likes)

  3. The ability to have a global news feed that shows the top recipes from every category. (Post A in Indian Food has 6 likes. Post B in chinese food has 5 likes. Post A shows above Post B in the global news feed.)

I understand i may be asking alot here, but if you can point me to a module or plugin that would accomplish such a site... That would be highly appreciated and would certainly earn a subscription. If you can point me to a custom developer or somebody who can accomplish such a plugin/module, that will be considered aswell.

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