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Mark S. (@markiemark67)
163 months ago

I have confirmed this error is in JCOW and have asked for a fix many time. Even on JCOW/JCOWMASTER Birthday reminders disappear on the day of a users Birthday. I'm not sure if it is Timezone related. But Admin I'd love a real answer to the problem.</br >
</br >

Here is the correct code

function dashboard_friends_birthday() {
global $client;
$current = time() + $client['timezone']3600;
$m = gmdate('n',$current);
$d = gmdate('j',$current);
$next = $m+1;
if ($m<10) $m = '0'.$m;
if ($next > 12) $next = '01';
if ($d > 20) {
$nextm = " or (f.uid='{$client['id']}' and birthmonth='$next' and birthday<$d) ";
$res = sql_query("select u.
from ".tb()."friends as f left join ".tb()."accounts as u on u.id=f.fid where (f.uid='{$client['id']}' and u.birthmonth='$m' and u.birthday>=$d) $nextm order by u.lastlogin desc limit 15");
$content = '<ul>';
while ($user = sql_fetch_array($res)) {
if ($user['birthmonth'] < 10) $user['birthmonth'] = '0'.$user['birthmonth'];
if ($user['birthday'] < 10) $user['birthday'] = '0'.$user['birthday'];
$content .= '<li>'.url('u/'.$user['username'],$user['username']).' - <strong>'.$user['birthmonth'].'/'.$user['birthday'].'</strong></li>';
$content .= '</ul>';
if (!$total) $content = 'none';
return $content;

1 people followed this question

it is working fine on jcowmaster.net. The solution you find here: http://jcowmaster.net/forums/viewthread/128

Jcow Master @falcone
162 months ago
Oh yes it's stall a problem on both sites I'll be sending in pic's today for support to look at!
162 months ago
Stall. LOL Still I check my birthday at 2am on 11/25 with a different account, then checked it at 9 or 10am on the 25th and it was gone. :(
162 months ago
@markiemark67 you said different accounts. with different timezones maybe?
162 months ago
@falcone I created a new account just to check to see if I was going crazy, and my Birthday was showing at 2am. But later at 9 or 10 am on t..
162 months ago

jcowmaster.net sent me in a constant load screen after i sign up then try to log in. lol refresh the page and the whole thing crashed. what a trashy program V6.0 has turned out to be. can I go back to V4? at least it worked like they said it would.

Billy Martin @bmartin
161 months ago
IF u still have a copy of version 4 U could reload that. It should work fine.
161 months ago
I do have a v4 and did install it, then upgraded to and v5 then v6 doing this got my chat box working again. I am still having problems with..
160 months ago