Changing Profile | Friends | Inbox text colour in page.tpl |
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Hey, Im trying to change the colour of this text in page.tpl/page.css but I want to keep the text the same colour as now in the main menu, you can see what I mean here: The text cant be seen because of the colour. Thanks :)
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broken link mate
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Hey Al :) Just got the name changed today :) Its Http:// now. I was testing on a subdomain of another site of mine before and when I posted this. Thanks for letting me know, forgot to update this!
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No worries mate,
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The font colour to the right of the search bar on the header/page.tpl. Right now, its white just like the main menu font, but I want to have another colour ( an orange from the logo ) because the font is the same colour as the background now. Hows your site going by the way? Thanks Al!
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line 24 in page.css . Pm me if thats not what you want
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I tried to go back to this today, I had it working before so the top right text was a different than the main menu colour. I had to change from white text because the top right couldnt be seen, but the orange doesnt go well with a blue background. Is there a way to have each separate?
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Please how do I change the colour of the text I fill in on the left sidebar? I type my text via admincp, theme, leftsidebar which only appears in black. Can someone kindly direct me on how to change text colour. Tks