Moving the "DETAILS" to over the "Status Update" box on a profile? |
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I am looking to move the "About Me" of profiles around on profiles, ideally above the Status Update box, and I was wondering if anyone could help? I have tried everything on moving or duplicating the Description Edit code and About me box, but nothing ever changes. Also, how to you create fields (Text Boxes) for your profile? I thought the code would be the exact same as an About Me box, but I keep getting an error once I upload to a server. Thanks!
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not sure this is what you want edit, located in includes\libs function index below line [code] insert this [code]
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Ill try, thanks!
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Ok well, I insert the code and still no bio above status update and profile streams. possible different way? FYI, I am using the Blue theme. would it be in the "u" module? the goal is the get the "About Me" of a user front and center on the page. i am coming up empty handed
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[quote=theartistconnect]Ok well, I insert the code and still no bio above status update and profile streams. possible different way? FYI, I am using the Blue theme. would it be in the "u" module? the goal is the get the "About Me" of a user front and center on the page. i am coming up empty handed [/quote] It works mate just follow Falcones directions I have done it in blue theme free version and it works mint..
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Ok this is weird, but I dont have a in my libs. yet my site could function. Any help with this now? these are the only things in my libs:
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you are still using version 3.3 ?
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I believe I am on 4. I am using the version that introduced events, the newest.
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Ok I am still on 3.3. Let me attempt an install and see
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in 3.3 the code is [code] [/code] in modules\u\u.php, function index. just this line, without the if statement, and below this line [code]
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Still no luck, the about me box is still sitting on the left and not above the "quick share". I put in the code as your said below that one line...i am so confused
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yes, off course, now it shows up it the profile. the quick share is in the dashboard so, file modules\dashboard\dashboard.php function index insert this line [code] above the line [code]