I have made Newsletter modules for 4.x. (NOT FOR 3.X)
Download and copy two catalogs to modules and active them in admin site. You can send Newsletter or massmail to your users from Admin panel.
i think is not working for me.I cant see anything
Download again, i found one fail.
this is working Newsletter Allow admin to send newsletter all members on site, by Zapto
this is not working Newsletter Admin Newsletter managements
I have no problems to send newsletter to my users. I have this om tre servers and test this files to users.
i can believe you.it works but the management module not working.
the management module are help modules to newsletter modules.
i can not see anything. please fix your modules
se to bottom in admin, under Addon Tools... The stand newsletter..
I only needed the 1 news letter module not both
oke ...i see now. thank you zapto.
Thank you for all of its updates, hopefully can pass this script boss..?
Where we can downloud the versions 4.0