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Server Requirements
Junior E. Crank (@bluemax)
Join date: Sep 6th 2010
Community posts: 7
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I have looked through your documentation and cannot find anything specifing what the server requirement are to run this script.

I see some people are having problems with photos and some other areas. This might be miss leading to a few.

A lot of FREE hosting does not allow a lot of the functions of certian scripts.

(i.e.) some do not have the GD librarys active, some may still be running PhP4, If you are allowed or have a video upload function in the commercial version to convert these files will require the Codex software on the server. I am sure that people just don't want to use YouTube for all their videos.

So what I am saying is that some people may be trying to run this script and their servers are not compliant with the script.

I am testing the script, and would like to buy the commercial version.

It would be nice if you were to post a complete list of the server requirements. Plus a list of the features/changes include in the Commecial version, other than the modules that you have for sale. This would help people make up their mind on weather to use free hosting or paid hosting.

I can say the script is great. I am running PhP5, MySql-5 and have all the goodies work fine.

177 months ago
Jumanji (@jumanji)
Join date: Sep 1st 2010
Community posts: 27
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I can say the script is great. I am running PhP5, MySql-5 and have all the goodies work fine. [/quote]

Same with me i installed my jcow to my VPS and working smoothly.

177 months ago