Hello i'm from indonesia
Allow me to make contribute for jcow but i'm only newbie
i give 2 Modules embed but nice
[url]http://www.enterupload.com/bn985emwh43u/videochat.zip.html[/url] videochat.zip 1 KB
[url]http://www.enterupload.com/2wt79vvsfr8p/mboard.zip.html[/url] mboard.zip- 2 KB
thx ...
the forum not showing please help
can u give me u'r url so i can see it
replace this embed with u're own
<script type="text/javascript" src="[url]http://rfq1oow9ux.embed.tal.ki/embed/1.js"></script><div[/url] style="font-size:80%; text-align:center;" id="rfq1oow9uxt4lk1prm0">get your own <a href="[url]embeddable[/url">http://tal.ki?utm_source=install&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=get_your_own">embeddable[/url] forum</a> with Talki</div>
u can change with u're own embed , go to [url]http://tal.ki[/url] get your embed forum
Hm... makasih sob, coba donlot yach.
Silahkan Di sedot gan
please upload these to www.mediafire.com or thanks you i am unable to download as it says wrong ip
Trims bos... :)
This is an empty module with only an external link. Thread locked.
(BTW: we are developing a platform for Jcow developers to share their modules)