Hello guys!
[b]Request 1[/b]:
Vincent, please, for the next 3.x version, can you eliminate the notification "Operation success" for the following actions?:
- User accessing your account (identification/login)
- User exit from your account, logout.
I think this is unnecessary. For the remaining actions is very useful (thanks to eliminate "redirecting ...").
[b]Request 2[/b]:
Imagine a new user accessing the system. You say "Oh, how many features!, Where do I start?
Vincent, it would be wonderful to have the following feature:
- User registers a new account.
- User enters your new account (the first login!!!)
- (Remember, it's the first login): The system redirects the user to a symple page. This page displays the following text:
Hey! Thanks for signing in our community.
This is a quick guide explaining your first steps. On the right, you have a menu with your personal choices. Above, you have the main menu. And, etc, etc, etc....
This page can be customizable from the admin area.
[b]Request 3[/b]:
When I receive a private message from another user, the system plays a sound. Like in other actions such as "Friend request", etc,... |