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I would like to transform my network in a pay network Fiore
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older versions of jcow use to have a paid membership module. Maybe you can ask the jcow support what happened with it.
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I ask for 4 mounth ago, but never get answer.
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Keep asking them, I'm sure they over looked it. They are a bunch of good guys. Over worked and under paid. LOL
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admin module has it .... just access it (i am now standing on 4.2.1 ) [url]http://www.mysite.watever/index.php?p=admin/paid_membership[/url] it was hidden in admin and....i have never tryed to make my site payed to join its better you try it thanx
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doesn't work, because the subscripe part is missing.
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can you do it? I will pay for it
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I'm also looking for this solution. Any suggestions are appreciated.