it s ok, but i give you my personal experience, i had in a social network opcion : cancell account in the menu of contact admin. users canceled account no more than 1% eaxh month.
but in a update, we add option :cancel account in personal menu, and from te first day, many users request cancel theis account.
So i am wondering. why before those users ddidn t do it?
this depends on the image you want to give to your social network, if you have 50000 users, so maybe it s a good idea to display this option in a clead menu. but if you have 10000, and you need more users in browsing etc..., it s better to make option cancell by contacting admin with a feedback, this also will give you idea about reasons and help you to make a better web.
this like a bar, everyone knows where is the door, and he will go out when he wants, but if you put a display in the wall saying : go out if you want. sure that your are giving idea ...
the most important is to have this option.