is there an easy way to stop spam? |
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my jcow site has recently been hit by chinese spammers/turkish pervs/other lowlifes is there an easy way to help prevent this from happening? my users are predominently kids and I don't have the time to be going through the member list deleting spam accounts one by one :(
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if you have pro version just make it invite only
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or account verified, or sending an email for verification (pro version only)
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Hi, That's the same issue with literally any Forum/Block/SNS software. Rest removed until approved:
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That all just sounded like a ad for your firewall [quote=spamtrawler]Hi, That's the same issue with literally any Forum/Block/SNS software. We have written a firewall for the purpose of keeping them out. As it is a commercial (affordable for anyone) solution, I am not sure if posting a link here would be classified as spam. If interested, just send me a pm and I will give you the url. Or if it is ok to post more info/link, then of course I would go ahead and do it :-) Best Regards
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Hi switch48, I wouldn't regard this as an advert. This is why I did not put any links or further infos in here, to not hijack the thread or spam the forum. Whoever is interested can ask for more infos. In order to keep it "ok", I contacted Vincent in order not to disturb the peace here ;-) I would post it as a "Project", but neither of the 2 options fit:
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Hey mate no worries just a observation glad to hear it :)
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:-) thanks
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what happened to my last post? it got deleted! it said: I use the community version. @spamtrawler, I have no intentions of using a commercial product - I am a great believer in open source but thanks for the offer anyway :)
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@eeji: No problem ;-)