(why???) Powered by Jcow social networking script (in emails/messages) |
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Is it me or is that a new addition? I'm happy to let my users know that I'm using the Jcow Platform on the site but do they need to be reminded with every notificiation or email they get? I don't know, seems like overkill. What do you guys think?
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I wondered this myself.. Is this part of the license terms?
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Yip I agree a bit noobish to have it plastered all over the place I think the powered-by does it nicely ..
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tru the plastering of the site over the emails is annoying. $message = $message.'<br /><br />'.base64_decode('UG93ZXJlZCBieSA8YSBocmVmPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3Lmpjb3cubmV0Ij5KY293IHNvY2lhbCBuZXR3b3JraW5nIHNjcmlwdDwvYT4='); decode that see what it says. work the rest out for urself.
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[quote=orgasm4me]tru the plastering of the site over the emails is annoying. $message = $message.'<br /><br />'.base64_decode('UG93ZXJlZCBieSA8YSBocmVmPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3Lmpjb3cubmV0Ij5KY293IHNvY2lhbCBuZXR3b3JraW5nIHNjcmlwdDwvYT4='); decode that see what it says. work the rest out for urself. [/quote] so you mean edit the decode?? to change the message??
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decode the base64 see what the message says .. be careful if you just edit the decode and insert standard text as ull probably break it or end up a lot of gibberish in ur email footer. as i said before i dont think they want you to remove it but im sure they wont mind if you leave the message and maybe enhance it
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ohh.. is thre anyway to see this message??
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the message says: Powered by <a href="[url]Jcow[/url">http://www.jcow.net">Jcow[/url] social networking script</a>
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ohh.. if i edit its is wrong??
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i think it have to stay there, in free version.
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yeah.. i use free version.. so no nid to change la.. emm.. how about no need notification to email?? is thre any way to do this?
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in the paid version, this could be edited?